Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I was going to start things off with my my journey from the States to London, but I felt like bringing up this little tidbit first because I find it so odd.

I've been here in London for more or less a week now, and I'm pretty sure I'm still jet lagged like crazy. Last night I intended to go to bed at around maybe midnight or 1-ish, which I was totally prepared for and winding down a bit. But then... I don't know. Something happened and I lost that tired feeling. I ended up staying awake until 5 or 6 AM before I attempted to hit the sack.

I don't think I've had one consistent sleep session since I've been here. Well, not during the night at least. It's weird, but I've been noticing this trend where every day I'll hit a wall around 6 or 7 PM. Three nights in a row now I've found myself falling asleep while watching a second episode of The OC, waking up, and then thinking "shit, there goes my sleep schedule". I know that I need to get over this cycle, but that 6 PM crash is HUGE. Like, impossible to resist. Then again, maybe I shouldn't be watching an hour-long show while laying down on my bed reclining on my pillows with the covers draped over me and the heater turned up to max. But I'm a sucker for comfort. I'm curious to see if I can rough it through the crash tonight.

It's currently 2:00 in the afternoon and I only just woke up. I'd chalk this up as standard fare back home, but there's something about being in London that makes me find it unacceptable to be doing this anymore. Maybe it's the shorter days.

At some point I plan on updating this thing a bit and starting up chronologically, but I just felt like busting this out. I'm really not the blogging type, but uh... here it is.

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